Mission Enablers International
$25 or ₦25,000 – Provides a missionary family with food items for the Christmas season
$50 or ₦50,000 – Provides two missionary families with food items
With $1000 or ₦1,000,000 – 100 missionaries will be encouraged to take the gospel further in the new year.
"I'm so grateful for the Christmas gift I received from Mission Enablers. It was such a blessing to know that people back home were thinking of me and my family."
"The Christmas gift I received from Mission Enablers was a lifesaver. I was able to provide some food for my family."
Bank Name: First Bank
Account Number: 2034475803
Ref: CFM
Bank Name: Truist Bank
Account Number: 1440017735261
Routing Number: 111017694
Zelle: globalmissions@meafrica.org
Paypal: Globalmissions@meafrica.org