Bible donation to the unreached

Success in the Great Commission has been progressive. More people are able to hear the gospel for the first time in their lives…
Many thanks to the tireless efforts of the missionaries on the field, and the relentless support of gifts like you.
But let’s take a closer look at something for a moment…
If our pursuit is the Great Commision, then we know that the goal is not only Hearing, or Salvation, but DISCIPLESHIP.
And if we will disciple the nations, it has to be by the WORD.
“So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”
Acts 20:32 NKJV
Rightly so, but the statistics do not agree.
1.45 Billion People using 5,509 languages still do not have the Bible…
Amongst these are souls that of their salvation, we’re sure, but not of their Preservation.
It will be surprising to know that some church leaders among some people groups don’t even have a Bible, how then do they disciple the people?
We believe that the key to the Preservation of many who are coming to know the Lord today is effective Discipleship by the Word of God.
Hence, the reason for our Bible Distribution Drive.
We seek, by the grace of God, to distribute 10,000 copies of both audio and hardcopy bibles this year.
In the last quarter, we have distributed 550 copies of the bible to new believers and church leaders in Nigeria, Cameroon, The Gambia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.
This leaves us with 9,450 more to go, and here’s where we need your help.
It costs #3,500/$4 to put a Bible in the hand of a new believer. We are asking that you help us gift as many as God grants you grace.
#35,000/$40 makes the word available to 10 believers.
#350,000/$400 helps ensure the growth of 100 believers.
#3,500,000/$4,000 helps preserve 1000 Souls.
Consider the blessing a trained soul will bring to the kingdom of God and the Body of Christ and pray about gifting them the Word today.