The Father’s Love

I lay on the mattress, helpless and weak to my bones. I was so hungry that I could barely lift my body. No friends around, nobody to run to. Who would come to my rescue?

This was me two years ago. I was in my room somewhere in a community located in eastern Nigeria where I was posted to serve my country.

A whole day had passed, and my mouth hadn’t tasted anything except water. I was without money and food. The hunger was growing worse by the hour, and I was getting weaker.

Another day had begun, and there was no sign of hope. Thoughts of who to reach out to for help began to run through my mind. Then suddenly, I remembered that I have a biological father. I am not an orphan! How could I not remember all this while?

But it’s been a while since we spoke. It is not curtsey to call and ask for money from someone whom you have not communicated with in a long time. It’s not bad but for me, guilt won’t let me.

This thought made me reluctant to place a call to my dad. But I had the confidence that I could not call on my father and return empty-handed. I knew for sure he would find a way to send his starving daughter some money, even if he had to empty his account or borrow. It was not strange that my father would make such sacrifices to make sure my needs were met.

With that consolation, I dialed him on the phone and unashamedly confessed my starving state. I told him I needed money, no matter how little. I was desperate.

A few minutes later, my phone beeped with a credit alert of more than what I expected.

A father will always see to the welfare of his daughter even at the expense of his convenience.

Such sacrificial love!

That seemingly insignificant scene registered a message in my heart: the love of a Father.

If my earthly father loves me this much, how much more my heavenly Father?

Love is Sacrificial
My father had told me earlier on the call the amount of money left in his account but the credit I received in my account was more than it. It wasn’t convenient for him but he still gave me.

God, my Father, and your Father, gave His only Son to die for our sins. It wasn’t convenient for Jesus to die but he still died. It took sacrifice. What love!

Love is in Action.
It took my Father more than saying “I love you” to salvage me from starving. He proved it by sending me some money. God also proved His love by giving His only Son. Loving God is beyond mere words. It is proven by the way I live my life in obedience to God and His Word.

The Love of The Father is Irreplaceable.
I thought to myself, “Who could have gone this length to help me in such a short time?” Only my father could have done that. Friends could have said, “Oh, sorry, I wish I could help, but I can’t at the moment.” Of course, I can’t blame them. It’s rare for a friend to borrow money for a friend. But a father can.

The Love of God is irreplaceable. Nobody—no matter how intimate—can go the length of loving you the way God does.

Matthew 7:11— “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will you give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?

God is our Father, and He is always ready to provide for your needs—monetary and non-monetary needs. But can you ask Him? He is ready to give good gifts to us when we ASK Him.

The Father is always Ready to Receive You.
God is one call away. It might have been a long time since you spoke with him, yet, when you call on Him, He will respond immediately. He is always ready to receive you.

The answer you seek is only in God. And guess what? When God gives, He gives in abundance! He is touched by your infirmity.

By Peace Olaleye