Mission Enablers International


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The Driving Force Behind Mission Enablers

Our Target

To greatly reduce and eventually eradicate the use of uneducated children as preys/victims for religion extremist and political propaganda.

Our Goals

Support children through the provision of scholarships as well as other educational materials.

Provide a conducive learning environment for children either by refurbishing or renovating schools/classrooms.

Provide solar panels because most of our targeted areas do not have access to electricity.

Our Mantra

All children, no matter where they live or what their circumstances are, have the right to quality education in a conducive environment.

Give Your Support Here

We observed that only a handful of parents could send their children to school and the conditions for learning are not suitable. Our observation led to many educational centered projects. Such as; Sponsor a child, Love box (Sharing of Christmas gifts to Children in the Northern part of the states), School building and renovation etc.
We aim to help give quality education and other sources of support to children in Northern Nigeria and other African Countries. Our zeal to give these children a major tool that will facilitate self-awareness, exposure and a chance at a better future birthed Child Empowerment Fund.

Bank Details for Support
Mission Enablers – Children Empowerment Fund
First Bank Plc (Naira Account)

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